How To Track and Monitor Your Blog Statistics and Traffic

5 Tools and Resources for Tracking and Monitoring Your Blog or sites Traffic and Statistics

Now that you are getting more traffic and results from your Blog posts, it’s helpful and very informative to see where that traffic is coming from and what articles are getting you a variety of results.  I’ve put together this list of some tracking tools that are available on the web that will help you monitor your statistics and traffic results.  Hopefully these tools and resources will allow you to see what areas, topics, and Blog posts you can improve on based on the results of the information you can capture. 

Your “RainMaking” Stats

#1 – ActiveRain Statistics – Your Basic ActiveRain Traffic stats for Comments, Views & Clicks.  This is located on your ActiveRain “My Home” page and can be found in the lower left hand sidebar.  You can just click on “Statistics” to get your Blogs results.

The Global Overview

#2 – ClusterMaps – See where your traffic and visitors are coming from geographically.  Their Widget allows you to share with others on your site or Blog.  The interesting thing about ClusterMaps is that you’ll see how many thousands of people are reading your stuff from all over the world. Sharing this information with others somehow seems to generate even more traffic and more visitors from other locations.

A FREE Parking Meter

#3 – SiteMeter – This one offers various reports and information regarding traffic and visitors to your Blog or website.  With their detailed reporting methods and tools, you’ll have a clearer picture of who is visiting your site, how they found you, where they came from, and what interests them plus a ton more.  This was the first tracker I ever installed on my ActiveRain Blog.

An Active Measure of Results

#4 – ActiveMeter – Similar to Sitemeter, it works well on the ActiveRain network and offers some tools the others don’t.  It is coincidentally called ActiveMeter but is NOT a product of ActiveRain.  Most web site analytics measure the number of web visits, unique visitors, pages viewed and returning visitors.  So does ActiveMeter, but with one difference; they do it in a “web visitor-centric manner”, which means in many cases, you’ll know who visited, and exactly where from. 

The Best Part of a “Click”

#5 – Get Clicky – A great tracker and real-time stat recorder for any Blog or website. The Free version is limited but works well.  Get Clicky gives real-time statistics to fine tune your Blog posts, sites and marketing campaigns to help you gain optimal performance.  This tracker tells you what is happening on your site right nowIt may be one of the easiest and fastest ways to keep a pulse on your Blog or websites activity.



Note: Google Analytics is another great tool but currently only works on ActiveRain Outside Blogs.

All of these tools are FREE and available on the web.  It’s a matter of preference as to which ones (or all) will work best for you.  I have tried each of them and currently run all 5 on my ActiveRain Blog.  Each one offers different information, stats, and reports that I have found useful at one time or another.  The key is knowing how to use them to better your Blog.

The better your Blog and posts, the better your traffic and results will be.  These reports and analytics help you see your Blog posts and sites differently, more from a visitor or readers perspective.  Knowing what works and what may be falling short will help you to make quicker and more decisive decisions about changes, and the necessary improvements needed to your Blog posts.  They’ve helped me.

How do you install these trackers and widgets on your Blog?  Just Follow these instructions.

The “Building Better Blogs” Series

How To Create A Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines

Create Stickiness, Increase Traffic, Get Visitors Coming Back

How To Find Popular Search Terms, Keywords, Topics and Phrases

Google’s SEO Starter Guide – Tips to Know about SEO

The Google SEO Starter Guide – Tips To Know about SEO

The Google SEO Starter Guide – Tips To Know about SEO

With all the SEO experts out there, the one thing that I have learned over the years is to be sure and research things in detail that are important to you or to the success and marketing of your business.  You just can’t believe everything you read out there these days.  We all know that SEO changes, and NO ONE except the employees of the Search Engine companies and their programmers and engineers know the truth and technical aspects of how it all really works.

However, this is some important stuff that can “make” or “break” a Blog.  I may not know or have all the answers, but I consider myself an honest and sincerely dedicated individual/resource who will find the right or correct answers and stop at nothing to try and help other members. (not because it’s my job either, I really enjoy what I get to do for ActiveRain and for the members here)

So regarding SEO, this comes from the experts over at Google.  I trust their opinions.  This is no secret, (except to some) it’s been out there since November 22nd of last year, but I thought it might be a good time to share this since many of my recent posts have been discussing post titles, SEO, hyper-links, title & Alt-tags, stickiness, long tails and short tails, and all the rest of that techno-babble stuff. 

It’s the stuff most people never want to hear about but will eventually need have to learn. 

The Google SEO Starter Guide

Keep in mind that while SEO is important and a critical piece of the Blogging Puzzle
, it is just another tool in the Big Picture.  Landing at the top of the Search Engine pages is exciting and very beneficial but getting the traffic and the leads, then converting them to clients and developing long term relationships is the most important part of capitalizing on any of your social networking or media marketing efforts.

Other Blog Improvement Ideas, Tips, and Suggestions:

Finding Popular Search Terms, Keywords, Topics and Phrases

How To Find the Most Popular Search Terms, Specific Keywords, Hot Topics, and Phrases for your Blog.

In a previous post “How To Create A Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines” I made the comment about picking your title (something someone would search for in the search engines) and then writing your post to match the title.  Much like a song writer picks a topic or title, and writes the song or music around that title or subject.  Knowing what topics are “HOT” and which keywords and phrases are most used in the search engines could be a valuable and powerful piece to the Blogging puzzle.

The best rule-of-thumb is to always write compelling content that attracts the attention and interest of readers.  it makes a significant difference and impact when you know what key phrases and search terms people are searching for.  If you can figure out what consumers are typing (the exact keywords or phrases) then writing your Blog posts to match those searches should bring you even greater success.

Here’s some Google tools and ways to find out what searches and keywords are being used.
(Be sure you take a moment and setup your FREE Google account in order to utilize these tools)

1. Google Trends

Google Trends allows you to see what’s “HOT” in terms of searches currently being made on Google.  You can enter your own search terms to see how they rank and rate in different geographic areas.  Another link to visit is the Google TOP HOT TRENDS, which are the top 100 searches.  This page is updated hourly.

2. Google Insights

Google has some great tools, but they require spending some time understanding “How They Work” in order for you to maximize their power and potential.  Google Insights For Search  (in simple terms) allows you to “See what the world is searching for” with the ability to filter by content, geographic location, time frames, and categories.

3. Google Search-Based Keywords

Signing up for Google Adwords does not mean you have to use the pay per click or incorporate them into your site, but it does allow you to use some of these tools like “Google Search-based Keyword Tool” which enables you to search sites and filter keywords and terms.  I used and the term Real Estate to see what the most common searches were on Google.  This is a great tool and will really be an eye opener.

4. Google AdWords Keyword

Need more ideas for Keywords or phrases?  This is one of my favorites.  Just when you think you have covered every possible keyword or search worthy term or phrase, Google Adwords Keyword Tool suggests even more.  You can use this “keyword tool” to get new ideas by using the filters provided.  Also use synonyms to enhance your creative ideas for suggested phrases or terms.

5. Google Auto-Suggest
looks like a regular Google search engine with one unique and hidden difference.  It has the “Google Auto Suggest” tool.  As you begin to type in your “keywords” or “Search Terms and Phrases” Google pulls up the most searched terms and phrases around your search terms.  As you begin to type in the search box, a list of common terms and keywords most searched automatically populates below your search terms.  These are some keywords and terms you might want to consider using in future Blog posts.

6. Beyond The Google Tool Box

Beyond the Google Tool Box, there are other sites like WordTracker, SEOTools, and CopyBlogger that offer some pretty simple and nifty solutions to finding and discovering what your “customers are searching” for.  WordTracker even offers a FREE Keyword Research Guide.  Take your time learning and understanding some of these tools, they will save you time in the long run and make you more profitable once you apply what you have learned.

Using the Best Search Terms, Keywords, Topics, and Phrases will boost your SEO, traffic, and business.

How To Create A Blog Post for Consumers and Search Engines

Create Stickiness, Increase Traffic and Get Visitors Coming Back

Create Stickiness, Increase Traffic and Get Visitors Coming Back

How do you Create Stickiness, Keep Readers Longer, Increase Traffic and Get Visitors Coming Back?

Think of the New York Times, Washington Post or Chicago Tribune and what keeps readers subscribing and coming back?  It’s obviously the content and the combination of headlines, stories, photos, news, sports, funnies etc.  Your Blog is the same as a newspaper in that a variety of interesting and valuable content will keep readers longer, attract new visitors, and also keep them coming back for more.

Here’s a few suggestions to help increase the time people spend on your Blog and how to keep them returning to your Blog in the future and often.  First, realize there is no right or wrong way to write a Blog post, so be willing to experiment and see what works best for you and your readers.  By mixing it up and trying new and creative ideas for posts, you’ll discover what works best for you.

#1Post to your Blog consistently.  If you can post 3-4 times per week, chances are your readers and subscribers will come back more often to see what you’ve posted.  If you post once a month, then when they come back, they’ll see the same article and won’t likely return for awhile.  Posting regularly with a variety of interesting and compelling content will Get Visitors Coming Back.

#2Adding Valuable Outbound Links.  Adding links to your post will drive traffic to other local and topic related sites.  In return, those sites monitoring their traffic and analytics will visit your post or site to see what you’ve said about them.  This can generate new traffic to your Blog.  Creating outbound links has a second hidden value.  It’s called stickiness.  Here’s a sample of what that means. 

This Is the Greatest Link On Earth

  • Hover your mouse over the link above – See the descriptive title that appears?
  • Click the link, see where it takes you – You’ll notice it opens in a new window/tab.  This is good.
  • Not adding “outbound links” to your posts, people read and leave.  It’s an open then case.
  • Adding the outbound links, your post offers more value and can stay open while visitors explore.

TIP: Make sure you add suggestive and interesting link “description titles” and always have your outbound links open in a “new window,” this will keep your post and page open on a separate tab or window in their browser.  When they close the window to your outbound link, they will be right back on your post or page.  (Don’t use the open link in same window option) ActiveRain defaults to opening links in a new window.

Statistic: Average length of time someone spends on your post or site is less than 30 sec.  Hmmm…

#3Add Images, Graphics and Photos with Links.  Adding images and photos to your Blog is a key ingredient to all the above.  Imagine a newspaper with just “A WALL OF WORDS!”  No photos, no graphics or images, no sports or weather photos… MAJOR BORING!!  Adding images makes your Blog post more cosmetically pleasing to the eye and more interesting to your readers and visitors. 

Using photos helps bring out the visual aspects of your topic and makes a post more visually desirable.

(Just be sure to use your own images and photos, don’t plagiarize)

Add descriptive title’s to your photos, and create hyper-links the same as you do with “outbound links” it works the same way.  See Below. Last week I went to the Redwood forest with the family, Bob Stewart asked me to take a photo of us in the Redwoods (Bob’s Father was a Logger) so this photo is for you Bob.  Notice the link, let’s see if Bob clicks on it… 🙂

“First Generation Redwoods in the National Forest located at Big Basin Redwood State Park

The Andersohn Family at Big Basin Redwood State Park

A few things to remember about photos: Not too large, they don’t need to fill up the entire computer screen.  Try to adjust them to blend well and flow with your post.  Include descriptive titles and descriptions, and if possible, create a link to the photo elsewhere like to your photo blog, or in my case, Flickr.  This will allow your readers to see the larger images and more photos if they so choose.

These are just a few ideas and suggestions.  Creating stickiness with great content and outbound links, adding images, graphics, and photos will draw visitors in and keep them longer, and writing a variety of consistent content will keep your readers coming back for more.

How To Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines

How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines

How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines. 

There are three important audiences to be writing for: 1. Other members and friends of your Social Networks. 2. Consumers, Subscribers, and a Target Audience of readers.  3. Search Engines.  I’m sure this is preaching to the choir, but this is important information to be shared if you want to get maximum exposure and results from your Blog posts with consumers, visitors, and with Google. Google Juice? I’ll drink to that! 🙂

Blogging for Customers and Search Engines correctly is a key component to a successful Blog.

Using these effective strategies and time tested methods when creating your post can make a huge difference.  The first thing when writing a post is to determine the audience you are writing for, the product or concept you’re promoting, and the geographic market you are targeting.  In this scenario, we are creating a Blog post to drive readers, consumers, and search engines to your Blog which is All About Your Area.  Things like “Vacant Land“, “Open Houses“, “Loan Modifications“, “Tax Credit“, “Pest Control“, “Relocation“, “Market Statistics“, “Short Sales“, “Condos” etc.
1.  How to title a blog post: Use a title that a customer would type into Google. example: “Open Houses in Mesquite Nevada”  Targeting Neighborhoods and focusing on Communities are best, but you can also use City/State. Most searches by consumers always include a geographic area. example: “Vacant Land For Sale in Bend, Oregon” Don’t just title your post “Vacant Land For Sale” as it probably won’t get indexed to a specific location and will likely get lost in the Search Engine Abyss. (SEO abyss = page 24 of Google)
2.  Repeat the title in BOLD in the first sentence of your blog post. example: “Vacant Land For Sale in Bend, Oregonand now priced better than ever! Build your dream home in Bend, Oregon!”  By creating the first sentence of your post to include the title and BOLD key search words, terms, or phrases, you’ll increase the potential of being found and then read.  That first sentence is typically the first sentence that shows up under your TITLE within the Google search results.  It’s an important part of getting the search engines to recognize your topic and see it’s relative content.  It’s also what will help a consumer decide if they want to click on your link or NOT!
3.  Write your blog posts to the title…then add in good content that a customer would want to know about.  It takes a bit more time to think this strategy through, but the results and rewards will be tremendous.  This in NOT the only way to gain SEO and more exposure, but it’s a great place to start if you’re new to Blogging and are wanting quicker results from your time and efforts here.
Creating posts and Understanding Long tail and Short tail search terms:  Short tail searches are just that, very short keyword searches. example: “Homes for sale” or “Homes For Sale Austin, Texas“.  This is where most searches begin during the early stages of research by consumers.  The Long tail search comes into play the closer consumers get to making a final purchase decision. example: “Gated Community Homes For Sale With a Pool in Austin Texas”  Justin Smith explains more about Long tail/ Short tail searches in his post.  You can also find more details by searching Google for “Long tail and Short tail searches.”  Here’s a video that might help make heads or “tails” about this.
4.  Go through your blog post and make sure that the words of your title are repeated a minimum of at least three or four times.  At least one time every other paragraph or so.  You should also bold those keywords so they stand out to the reader and to the search engines.  You need to be somewhat creative in doing this and remember, don’t over do it.

5.  Tag your blog posts with other keywords and phrases the customer may type into Google.  These should be topic related and relevant to your post. Do not try to game the search engines by packing in keywords that have nothing to do with the post, this will do more harm than good in most if not all cases.  Also make sure to include images and links to relative sites, this will create more stickiness and add value to your posts. 
Creating a Blog Post for Customers and Search engines is not that difficult once you understand some of these basic concepts and then practice and apply them on a regular basis.  This is not to say you shouldn’t write about other topics both personal and business, even those can be tailored to get you better results with customers and search engines.  We tested this theory on the Fourth of July Weekend and you should see some of the results ActiveRain members experienced. It really does work.  

I hope you can use these tips on “How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines.
VERY IMPORTANT:  If your post on ActiveRain is (MEMBERS ONLY) then none of the above applies.

Congratulations ActiveRain Ambassadors

Join Me in Welcoming and Congratulating our First Round of ActiveRain RainMaker Ambassadors.

Thank you to the entire network and AR Community for the outpouring of responses and support. We are just a little overwhelmed.  This is the first round of elected RainMaker Ambassadors.  We do have many more on deck and will be reaching out to additional members in the days and weeks ahead.  Click on their photos to send a personal “congratulations” message if you like.

(Left to Right)  Ann Allen, Carol Smith, Carolyn Tann Starr, Charles Buell, Chris Ann Cleland, Christine Donavan, Courtney Cooper, David Childress, Dean Moss, Debe Maxwell, Jason Crouch, Jeff Belonger, Jeff Dowler, Jennifer Allan, Jesse Clifton, Jim Crawford, Jo Soss, Karen Kruschka, Kirk Westervelt, Kristin Moran, Lane Bailey, Larry Bettag, Lisa Udy, Lizette Fitzpatrick, Loreena Yeo, Marchel Peterson, Margaret Rome, Matt Stigliano, Maureen McCabe, Midori Miller, Michael Jones, Missy Caulk, Monica Ray, Norma Toering, Rita Burke, Russel Ray, Ryan Shaughnessy, Steve Hoffacker, The Somers Team – Christopher and Stephanie, Steve Shatsky, Tim Cash, Billie Tutas (TLW), Todd Clark, Virginia Hepp and William Johnson.




We’re very excited about the Ambassador Program and know that these members are too.  Thanks and Congrats!
If you’re interested in becoming an Ambassador in your area and you qualify, CLICK HERE for more information.

ActiveRain and Facebook – A Social Networking Love Affair

A few weeks back, I received a Facebook notification regarding a new message on my wall.  Now does that sound Social networky or what?  lol~ Anyway, it was an old friend and past client who was asking me for a referral in an area close by.  Of couse I looked up Linda on ActiveRain, and referred her over to Tom.  Yesterday, I get a Facebook notification that there’s a new comment from Tom on my wall again.

Naturally I responded to Tom immediately, and then thanked Linda.  :-))

Funny – Just two days ago, I was talking about referrals with Nyssa on Activerain (we were actually on Twitter..haha)  discussing what we felt is the true definition and meaning of “referral?”  I think this was a perfect example of a Social networking referral, and I think we’ll see many more of them done like this in the future.  Facebook and ActiveRain generate the contact, and the relationships and “connections” generate the referral.  ActiveRain and Facebook are excellent conduits, but it’s always has been, and always will be about people.

Here’s two great social networks, totally different from each other, yet connecting us and providing opportunities that many of us still have yet to discover.  How will you use ActiveRain and other Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc. to do business and build referrals in the future?  Or will you end up like me, and just be using them already without even realizing it?  :-O

The ActiveRain RainMaker – Getting Results!

The ActiveRain RainMaker – It’s More Than Just A Membership!


The Real Estate Industry has had a pretty rough ride these past few years and many Industry Professionals that remain are desperately trying to find new and creative ways to survive.  Many are turning to ActiveRain because they have heard and seen that this is where they can learn how to use the Internet and Blogging to their advantage, and turn around their business.

ActiveRain is more than just a Real Estate Industry Social Networking community.  In the past 2 or so years, the network has grown from 20,000 members to well over 150,000 to date.  On average, 200 new Industry Professionals join each day.  ActiveRain get more than 2,000,000 visitors each month, with about 80% being consumers.  The community accounts for nearly 12,000 new blog posts each month, and currently hosts over 1.5 million Blog articles provided by members.  The average rainmaker post gets over 500 views per month.


What do ActiveRain members get as Rainmakers?


What are the “Benefits” of a RainMaker Membership?

Many in our community have posted articles about their success and ROI (return on investment) from their RainMaker Blogs.  We have seen countless testimonials from ActiveRain members who have experienced first hand the results and business that gets generated solely from their ActiveRain Blogs.  Members share their “Real Life” stories of how effective Blogging on AR can grow your referral business, consumer business, and relationships within the network and within your local community and neighborhoods.

Here’s what some have to say:

“When I first started on AR, I got many friendly e-mails and comments.  I think this gives AR a personal touch.  AR does work. I signed up for Rainmaker last month and will be writing a contract for a buyer who contacted me through one of my posts.”  Vanna Siackhasone

“I have gotten several clients and some agent referrals directly from AR and continue to learn from the posts of others, hoping that I can share whatever I can too.”  Susan Neal

“I have learned so very much from these wonderful people on AR! Best real estate site on the Internet, and I am happy to be a part of AR!” Ginger Moore

“In May 2007, I started walking in the Active Rain (ok, maybe crawling) and by the end of the year we had made tens of thousands of Washingtons directly from blogging leads.”  Erion Shehaj

“AR has helped my business tremendously to the tune of 11 closings to date.”  David Serle

“ActiveRain has put me on the map.  I receive at least THREE calls each week, just because my name comes up on the first page of a Google Search.  These buyers already know about me before they call.  Those that want to make their business happen, will become rainmakers, and they will find the way to be successful.”   Don Bradbury

Here’s some Recently written Blog Post Articles:

The Points are Nice – But I Really Like The $$$$By: Erik Hitzelberger

ActiveRain – You’re Really Bugging Me(34 Referrals)By: Larry Bettag

ActiveRain Brings Business SuccessBy: Missy Caulk

Read 1000’s of ActiveRain Success StoriesBy: ActiveRain Members

What kind of Support can I expect from ActiveRain?

ActiveRain provides training and support for our RainMaker members. Learning how you can use geographic and hyper-local content to optimize your Search Engine Visibility and drive more traffic to your Blog and Website is the key.  We can and will help you.  You’ll learn how using tools like, inbound links, outbound links, keywords both long-tail and short, along with photos and a good post title can greatly improve your search engine rankings and help your customers find you on-line.  We provide Customer Service and Technical support via AR Webinars, Tutorial posts, and through our Community Builders and ActiveRain Ambassadors.


How Do I Become an ActiveRain RainMaker?

It’s simple. You must first join ActiveRain and become a member here.  Once you have setup your profile, and reviewed the “How To Get Started On ActiveRain guide” you can either upgrade your membership from your “My Home” page by clicking on the red “RainMaker Upgrade” link, (be sure you’re logged in to ActiveRain first) or you can click below to…

Become A RainMaker

 ActiveRain is the TOP Real Estate Social Network in the World  (source:
Results 110 of about 60,100,000 for Top Real Estate Social Networks

ActiveRain is the ONLY on-line Network that offers this selection and wide variety of tools, diverse services, and solutions for the Real Estate Industry Professional.  The RainMaker Membership – get value, get results.

The ActiveRain Ambassador Program

The ActiveRain Ambassador Program

Today we are launching the new ‘ActiveRain Ambassador’ program for members of the ActiveRain community.  We have been kicking around the idea of setting up this program for months now and think we have finally come up with something that will work well and benefit ALL members of the network.  What is an “ActiveRain Ambassador” and how does this program work? 

Since the inception of ActiveRain, there has always been a “Pay It Forward” spirit amongst our membership.  Invitations sent out by members were often followed up with courtesy calls to help new members get acquainted with the basics of the site.  As new members joined the community, others who had been around for a while would welcome them by commenting on posts, sending a quick email with suggestions of how to improve, even picking up the phone to call those in their area to say “Welcome Aboard.”  We have always had ‘ActiveRain Ambassadors’, lending a helping hand in whatever capacity they could to get “Newbies” up and running, we’ve just never had a formal program to reward those willing to give so freely of their time.

The Ambassador Concept and Our Culture

The new ‘ActiveRain Ambassador’ program will be a formalized way that our ambassadors can call and welcome new members of ActiveRain to the site while at the same time walking them through some basics of the site, including the RainMaker upgrade, and sharing their experiences. Many times it takes new members some time before they figure out the nuances of the site and how it can have such a positive impact on ones business. Having someone to guide you through these first few days and someone to reach out to if you have questions was the foundation of the early days of our network. This foundation is still solid but the shear growth in numbers makes it hard for every new member to find the guidance they need when getting started.

We are going to make sure they get that guidance from the members who have been here for years already making it rain in their own businesses. We want to allow these new members access to the veterans of ActiveRain who have seen the bottom line of their business impacted as a result of their participation on ActiveRain, and we want to reward (a monetary reward……although, TLW, we will probably pay you in shoes) our ‘ActiveRain Ambassadors’ for helping us indoctrinate new members into our culture.

Here’s an outline of what it is and how it will work.  Your feedback and comments are always welcomed!

ActiveRain Ambassadors

“One more step in becoming the social hub of your local real estate market and industry.

Requirements for this position:

  1. Unanimous approval from AR Staff “Ambassador Advisory Council”
  2. Must have three examples of your Blogs at the top of Google.
  3. Must have 100k ActiveRain points.
        (Over time this may be opened up to lower point earners)
  4. Must love the ActiveRain Network
  5. Maintain a minimum level of monthly participation. Required deliverables will be communicated in Independent Contractor agreement all ambassadors must sign
  6. Ambassador position is teaching and support focused. Ambassadors will each receive compensation when new members that they call sign up for Rainmaker accounts, but ‘hard sells’ will not be allowed. Again, this is a teaching, networking and support focused program.

Ambassador Program Benefits:

a. Public recognition, AR Ambassador Badge
b. Structured program to grow your professional network 
c. Free Outside Blog
d. Free Localism Sponsorship
e. Link to Ambassadors Roster from AR Home Page
f.  First in line for AR swag (logo t-shirts, etc.)  All provided for free to Ambassadors.
g. Special events at industry conferences for Ambassadors.
h. Additional recognition for top Ambassadors. 
i. Access to Ambassador Program Funds to support grass roots gatherings, training
classes, or events, created/hosted by AR Ambassadors.

Signing Up as an ActiveRain Ambassador

Many of you already value the time you spend on ActiveRain and you do some amazing networking through the site. This is a formalized way for you to continue to utilize ActiveRain for some amazing networking opportunities while at the same time taking on an Independent contractor role where we can pay you for helping to train the next generation of ActiveRain Blogging Superstars.

Just imagine being the go to person for hundreds of agents in your area. The networking effect and impact of that kind of exposure is too good to pass up!  🙂

Call Me – Do Not Call Me – No, Call Me… Wait, Are You Confused?

ALL Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month

REMINDER: “All cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies – you will start to receive sales calls…… YOU WILL ALSO BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS!”

Though this Hoax is going out all over the Internet as it often does from time to time
, I just wanted to point out a couple things.  You may receive an email or a notice from a friend about this, and though the National Do NOT CALL organization is legit, the warning here IS NOTSee Snopes

Some of you may want these calls and yet others may not.  If you decide to do this, your clients and prospects might be deciding to do it as well, if they haven’t already.  Is telemarketing gone out the window with WEB 1.0?  Do you really want your cell phone, office phone, or home phone blocked from telemarketers?  It’s your decision and there is no right or wrong answer here, just an opportunity to take a moment and reflect, give it some consideration, make a decision, then take your action…or not.

An interesting fact I just found is that there are literally millions in American adding their phone numbers to this list, yet there’s a significantly higher number of folks joining Social Networks and places like FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.    The world’s a changing for sure.  It’s exciting to be part of this time and ERA, and it’s interesting to see the changes that are taking place in these times. 

What Lists and organizations Will Be Next? 

To reach the National DO NOT CALL organization, (should that be your choice) here is the number: 888-382-1222 It only takes about 20 seconds, but before you do, I’d love to know your thoughts and feelings about this?  Why or Why Not?  I confess, I added my numbers, but did I just do it to conform to a trend of society or do I really hate getting calls from telemarketers?  How about you?