The "Active Rain Invitation"

Do you invite others from our industry, and from your area to join Active Rain?  I just did a post
celebrating my 100th guest signing up.  Sometimes I use the “Invite Others” link on “My Home” profile. 
Other times, I have sent out email invitations just like the one below.  I was asked by another member
how I twisted peoples arms to get them to join.  I don’t, I just used my Active Rain Email Invitation
Please, feel free to utilize and modify it’s contents to work for you. 

If each one of you, (26,461 members) had just 1 person sign up, that would be over 50,000 members
over night!!  I hope this post triggers such an unprecidented event.  Tell a friend, invite your lender,
tell the co-op agent on the other end of your transaction.  Stagers, real estate attorneys etc., they are
all welcome.  If you don’t invite them, someone else will.  

Are you up for a challenge? I’d love to see your invite, or even the “Official Active Rain Invitation“.  
Here is my challenge to you, get one person signed up before Tuesday at Noon! (no time zone), and see
if we can’t help Brad win Kelli’s New Member Rum Cake Contest!!

Membership has its priveledges!   🙂

                                                  SAMPLE EMAIL INVITATION TO ACTIVERAIN


Don’t forget,  to put “your link” in the email invitations and on your email signatures.  That way, you get credit
for inviting new members and having them join under you.  I know points don’t really matter, but they do move
you up to the “Featured Agent” spot at the top.

Am I Still A Newbie?

If I have to ask, I guess some will think I am!!  🙂 

Is there a process for determining when a new member will no longer be a newbie? (I never liked that word, newbie) LOL.  It's kinda like being a freshman in High School, everyone calls you the Newbie!!  I hated being a Newbie!!

Is "Newbie" a status based on points? Is it the accumulation of time spent on the rain? Is it the number of posts and comments in your history?  Is it the post content or the knowledge of proper blogging?  How do I graduate and get my Activerain diploma?

I DON'T WANT TO BE A NEWBIE ANYMORE!!  Is there a vote that needs to take place?  Do the moderators or the members decide when Newbie's become "official rainers"?  I am requesting a hearing of the Owners, the Veterans, the Members, and ALL other Newbies to allow me a status change.

Can I have the promotion?  Will someone please review my file and let me know if I qualify to get out of the "NEWBIE STATUS CLASS"?  I know I have only been a member for two months, but I am ready to move to the next level.  I am committed to the "Active Rain Oath".  Your vote or comments are greatly appreciated!! 

I'd love to throw my cap in the air, if today is graduation day from Newbie School!!

Blogs: Are you a "Post", or a "Comment" Reader

 Or Both?  As I read through my comments posted tonight, I realized that some of them were directly related to my post, yet others had nothing to do with my post because they took on a life of their own.  Then I had someone leave a comment on one of my very first posts, and I had to go back and read my own post (the whole darn thing), just to understand where the comment had come from and where the topic had been taken. (You're probably laughing because this has happened to you)

This forced me to read all the comments, including my own, and that is what made me wonder the title of this post…

On others peoples Blogs,

  1. Do you read the post, and then go right to the response section to place your comment? 
  2. Do you read the post, then read the all the comments (all 62 of them), and then comment on the direction the topic has taken?
  3. Do you not even read the post, or the comments, and just put something like, "GREAT POST! THANKS!"
    (take the 25 points and run) Sorry if that is you, no offense…but you're missing the boat!  🙂

I know there are many benefits to reading both Posts and Comments.  I have learned that there is more power in the comments in many cases.  The post is just one person's opinion, idea, thought, or question.  The comments are the "Power of the People" and often have more and better information than the post.  You can read the comments, and get the majorities opinion on many subjects and debatable topics.

I have to be honest and admit, when I see a great post, I read the whole thing, if there is 87 comments, I scan them quickly, but then go right to the comments and respond directly to the post and the writers topic.  On the other hand, I've caught myself reading others' posts that only had 4 or 5 comments.  I would read each of them, and then comment on the direction that the comments had gone.  So confusing, I know…
So here's my questions if you're still reading (for all you post readers)…

  • It there a right or wrong way?
  • Is it proper blogging etiquette to leave a comment that has nothing to do with the persons post? 
  • Should I be commenting on both? 
    (I feel like I am missing the power of the comments when there are over 50.  I also don't have the
    time to read them all. (maybe that's the problem)
  • Is this why you never see posts with more than 50 – 100 comments? 
  • Does the post die out because the direction of it dies out? 
  • Does the post and comments eventually become too much to read so people just don't?
  • If it does die, should it be removed from your blog?

These are difficult questions for me to answer from within, so maybe reaching out will get me better results.

"Are you a "Post" reader, or a "Comment" reader and why?
I wonder where this post and comments will start, and end…I guess not knowing is half the fun!  🙂

These questions should inspire you to read both (for all you comment readers) Don't you want to know?

100th Member was Invited and Joined Today!!!

 Today, at 3:15 pm, I had my 100th member sign up on Active Rain.  His name is Zack
He and his wife Christine are an awesome couple who do very well in the Real Estate Business.  He mentioned a couple of keywords today that made me think of Active Rain, and why I should invite him on board.

He talked about referrals, networking and marketing.  I told him and his wife about "The Network", and he signed right up.  I really like this couple, they were warm, welcoming, very professional, successful, and they called "out of the blue" to meet with me today.  I was honored to be the one to introduce this to them, and now, I am honored to introduce them to you.

Please join me in welcoming my 100th guest, Mr and Mrs. Zack and Christine Childress. 
(the crowd roars) 

I didn't even realize until I got home this evening and started responding to comments, that they were number 100.  Where has the time gone, it was just 7 weeks ago when Dustin Luther invited me to Active Rain.  This is a special time and good cause for celebration.  Thanks Zack and Christine for meeting with me today, I look forward to seeing you guys again on Thursday, and most importantly, welcome to Active Rain.  You are going to love this place, the people, the referrals, the networking, the technology and benefits, and best of all, you're going to have fun!! 

Oh and one more plus… it was FREE!  Best of luck to you both, and Welcome!!

Who put a link in the comments of this post? Please Do!!!

Would You?  I know it’s against the general guidelines of Active Rain and the Etiquette 101 Group to put links (SPAM) in the comments of other members posts.  I agree with this rule and will fully abide by it.  In this one case, can we make an exception?  

I wanted to share with others, some of the coolest things I have found out on the rain.  Being a newbie (there’s that word again),  I wanted to share the resources and discoveries I have made.  My invite list has grown larger than expected, and I feel I owe them this post! 

I am asking the “Rain Gods”  to make an exception with the comments just in “this post.”  I am actually asking for links in the comments  (just this once).  I’m looking for links to the Best and Coolest stuff.  (see mine below)  This is for me and all my Realtor and Lender friends that I invited to Active Rain.  Others will surely benefit too.

This network is such a powerful resource of information with thousands of members and millions of posts.  It could take months or even years to read all those, to find out about all the technologies and knowledge that is available via these 25,000+ members.  So here goes…

Since joining Active Rain around seven weeks ago, (Feb 27th to be exact),  these are some of the “Best” tools, links, services, technologies, and just “COOL STUFF” that I have found.  

 “BRAD’s Top 10 Active Rain Discoveries”  –  THIS IS REALLY COOL STUFF!!

  1. Slide – Creates Free slide shows.  Great for Website, Listings, Family and Friends etc.
  2. Meebo– A Free Online Chat Module for your website or Activerain Profile Page
  3. Overweb3D – Cool Multimedia for your Real Estate Website
  4. Google Analytics – Awesome tracking for your website and profile page
  5. Clustermaps FREE Visitor Mapping for your web.  Shows a World Map with all your visitors
  6. BatchGeoCode – Map Multiple Locations, great for travel of tour sheet
  7. Rand McNally – (NEW) Get directions between multiple stops, all in one route
  8. Google Earth – Absolutely the coolest thing on Earth! The world at your desktop! FREE
  9. Primo PDF– A Free PDF Convertor, Converts any printable doc to a .pdf format (save $500.00)
  10. MyPublisher – A website that allows you to upload photos and create a nicely bound book
    for your clients. A great closing gift! Less than $30.00. (A Great Referral Book)

I know there are hundreds more, so what have you discovered on Active Rain?  I’ve shared with you, now it’s your turn.  What is the first product, link, website tool, or program that comes to your mind?  Please create a link to it in the comments section below.  Come on…you gotta share.

I’m hoping that other members will find more value in your comments, than they do my post.  🙂


The Real Estate Market – Have you hugged yours today?

Hanging Out



Do we know where our markets are today?  Can you tell where it is going tomorrow?  Are we ready to accept the challenges we face in any market?  Should we determine what's driving the market and it's destinations?  Do you feel that sometimes you're just hanging out there on a rope?




I have good news.  In my experience, the market tends to change based on a variety of issues, and has a track record of being cyclical.  However, If we focus too much on what is driving the market, we might miss it's destination.  I'm not saying "don't be in the moment", just that I'd rather be there to meet it, rather than chase it.  I am no expert in market predictions, nor can I tell you where this market is going, but projections I can give. 



When the tax season passes (traditionally), I believe it will spark the market again as it has in the past.  The interest rates are good, wood and nails are not getting cheaper, people keep making babies, so there will always be a need for more housing.





I've heard some economists say, larger corporations will merge together to become global powerhouses for new technologies.  New ideas are already being created to simplify the search for consumers, finding Real Estate online.  The company RealBird Sample (A San Diego Agents Website) is already using a new technology with idx, giving consumers the ability to search for homes by a map, and hover over listings with a mouse.  Check it out.  Trying to keep up with all the new technology in the future will be impossible.  Just watch the clip below if you don't believe me. (I know you do though)

                                                                                       THIS IS A MUST SEE:

                                                     See This Globalization Video! – (3 mins.) you'll be surprised!



The Real Estate market is kinda like a roller coaster ride.  You have to fasten your seat-belt at all times, and be ready for anything that's up ahead.  Chug Chug Chug…(anticipation)…Breathless down the steep drop….and screaming around the corners!!  This is the part of the market that makes alot of people hold their breath. 

My projections for 2007 are good.  My 8 ball says "definitely".  So I am going to fasten my seat belt, take the Real Estate roller coaster ride, then laugh, scream and hold my breath, having a blast the whole way.  I am going to hug and embrace this new and changing market. 




Fall Jump an Dive In


So jump, fall, or dive into your Market.  We have an exiting time coming this year.  I am expecting to come back to this post at the end of the year, and comment on it's successes.  I am looking forward to seeing the many great success stories that will be posted this year. 


The market has always been good to me no matter what transitions it's gone through.  It may be a different market again, but it is still a "Good Market!" 


Have you hugged yours today?  It's a good life!


The Eagle Policy – Post Coverage

I was asked to do a post explaining what our “Eagle Policy” Covers and what the difference is between the ALTA Residential and CLTA Standard Policies. Letting your buyers know what they are getting when it comes to title insurance coverage is important. You may not realize, but title companies do issue different types of policies. This may seem like major boring stuff, but your insured clients will thank you for being informed and for helping them make the right choice when it comes to selecting a title insurance policy.

To see the differences between the three, click here for a comparison.

Here is what’s exciting about the Eagle Policy….


Several important new risks are now covered on a post-policy basis. This means that some defects in title that did not exist at the time the insured purchased the property, but are now asserted by others, are covered.

These post-policy covered risks involve cases in which someone other than the homeowner claims to own an interest in the title; or has rights affecting the title arising out of leases, contracts or options; or claims to have rights affecting the title arising out of forgery or impersonation; or has an easement on the land; or has a right to limit the insured’s use of the land; or in which the title is defective.

The following are several examples of this post-policy protection:


The homeowner is covered when someone forges the insured’s signature to a deed or mortgage in an effort to sell or impose a lien or restriction on their home.


This coverage protects the homeowner if, after his or her purchase, someone else builds a structure (excluding boundary walls and fences) which encroaches on the homeowner’s land.


Coverage is provided when the homeowner’s title is clouded because someone recorded in the land records a document containing the legal description of the homeowner’s land, whether by mistake or in a specific effort to cause the insured harm, and the homeowner is prevented from completing a loan or sale transaction on their home.


Coverage is extended to a homeowner when someone claims to have the insured’s title arising out of someone else’s continued use and occupancy.


The homeowner is covered in the event another party claims to have the right to use a part of the insured’s land as an easement because of continuous use over time.

Previously, these types of risks were only covered if they existed on the policy date, although our original EAGLE Policy included coverage on a post-policy basis for forgery and encroachments onto the land.

Other exciting coverages include …


The new EAGLE Policy expands access coverage to include, for the first time, actual vehicular and pedestrian access to and from the land, based upon a legal right.
The access coverage traditionally provided by title insurance was tied to a legal right of access and did not include actual access. The new EAGLE Policy affords the type of access protection most needed by homeowners.


Coverage is extended to a homeowner who is forced to remove or correct existing structures that were built without a building permit or that violate an existing zoning law or zoning regulation. The zoning coverage even extends to boundary walls and fences!

The original EAGLE Policy coverage in this area was tied to forced removal, not forced remediation. Because we have found it far more likely that a homeowner would be forced to correct a building permit or zoning violation than to actually remove the structure, the coverage has been expanded in the new EAGLE Policy to specifically include forced remediation. The homeowner is covered for losses up to $25,000 (after a small deductible) for building permit violations and forced remediation of zoning violations, and up to the full Policy Amount for forced removal of structures due to zoning violations.


The homeowner is covered where subdivision laws have been violated prior to the homeowner’s purchase and, as a result, the homeowner is unable to obtain a building permit, is forced to correct or remove the violation, or is unable to complete a sale or loan transaction. The new EAGLE Policy continues to provide homeowners up to $10,000 (after a small deductible) for protection against risk – a benefit which homeowners who obtained our original EAGLE Policy have found most valuable.


The homeowner is covered if he or she is forced to remove a boundary wall or fence because it encroaches onto a neighbor’s land, onto an easement or over a building set-back line.

Previous policies excluded boundary walls and fences from this type of coverage. We have found that the encroachment of boundary walls and fences onto neighboring land is far more likely to occur than the encroachment of other structures and, therefore, have determined to provide the homeowner protection of up to $5,000 (after a small deductible) for these types of encroachments.


Coverage is provided for violations of restrictive covenants occurring before the homeowner acquired the land, if the homeowner is forced to correct or remove the violation or if the homeowner’s title is lost or taken because of the violation. Examples of such violations would include the following, if not permitted by the applicable restrictions: (1) additional buildings; (2) types of roof material; (3) color of home; (4) number of stories; and (5) types of fencing. While these coverages have been available by endorsement for some time, they were never provided automatically until our original EAGLE Policy. The new EAGLE Policy expands the coverage in this area from that provided in the original EAGLE Policy by eliminating the deductible that applied to a portion of this coverage.

How To Order An Eagle Policy

Call your local Title Branch or Me!

The EAGLE Policy. . .peace of mind for homeowners and the professionals who serve them.

The Short Sale – Can be a Long Sail…

What is it and how can it work for you?
In a Short Sale, you have to negotiate with the bank holding the mortgage, and get them to accept less than what the seller owes.  We are seeing a lot of transactions like this in the current market.  Your buyers and sellers may have questions regarding the advantages and dis-advantages of the Short Sale.  One thing for sure, you might have to be in it for the long sail.

In my humble opinion, I think it's better to do a Short Sale, than a foreclosure or bankruptcy.  I feel that the advantages of the Short Sale far out-weigh the advantages of a foreclosure or bankruptcy on your record.  A foreclosure does affect your credit and the ability to purchase another home anytime in the near future.  I'd like to share some notes I took from last weeks seminar regarding these transaction types.  You can also go see the short sales expert.

Why do banks negotiate and accept  Short Sales?
There are many reasons banks that will agree to a Short Sale but the most common include:

  • The mortgage is past due or in a foreclosure
  • The property is in poor condition
  • The owner has suffered a hardship and can't make the payments
  • The area or neighborhood has depreciated in valueSan Francisco Bay Sailing
  • New homes built are being chosen over the resale properties
  • The banks shareholders are concerned when there are too many
    defaulting loans on the books
  • Some banks are required to prove a loss each month
  • An REO is a liability, not an asset.  Too many liabilities will cause
    any business to go under if not dealt with properly and quickly

What are the steps to a successful Short Sale?
Each bank may have different requirements and regulations, this is just a sample scenario

  1. Find a distressed property
  2. Meet with the homeowner to put something together
  3. Get a signed "Authorization to Release Form"
  4. Create a contract to reflect your offer to the bank
  5. Call the loss mitigation dept. at the bank
  6. Fax them your offer along with the following:
    a. Cover Letter explanation of why you can't offer full price
    b. The owners signed sales contract
    c. Justified Sales Comps of the area
    d. Pictures of the property condition
    e. An estimated net sheet or closing statement
    f. A hardship letter from the homeowner concerned of bankruptcy
    g. Detailed list of estimated costs for needed repairs

What happens to the homeowners credit?
When you negotiate a successful Short Sale, remember that the agreed upon price is payment in full.  However, the homeowners may still owe the difference between the mortgage balance and the discounted amount if the bank pursues the owners via a "deficiency judgement".  If granted, this judgement will affect the homeowners and their credit report just as any judgment would.  You must get the bank to agree to accept "payment in full without pursuit of any deficiency judgment." 

In addition, you need to explain to the homeowner that the discounted amount (the difference between the mortgage balance and the Short Sale) may be declared as income on their tax return by means of a "1099".  The homeowners should always consult with their accountant or a legal professional for advice.

This information is being provided to you based on a recent "Short Sale / Foreclosure" seminar, in which agents were informed of different marketing ideas regarding distressed and Bank owned properties (REO's).  This post was created to share those ideas and concepts, and hopefully provide a better understanding of the Short Sale for you and your clients.  Here is what other members have posted regarding Short Sales on Active Rain.


Save $$$ On Your Property Taxes

Brad Andersohn PhotographyClaim your homeowner’s exemption.  What is the homeowners’ exemption?  Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your home, which is determined by the County Assessor’s Office.  In this post, I am referring to Solano County in California.  If the home is your primary residence and you are not receiving another property tax exemption of greater value, you may qualify for a homeowners exemption which will reduce the tax you pay.  Once granted, the exemption continues from year to year.

To obtain the full exemption you must make a timely filing (usually by February 15) of a simple form with the County Assessor.  A partial (80%) exemption may be granted for homeowners who file a late affidavit and claim for exemption with the assessor between February 16th and December 10th.  To find out more information, contact the Solano County Assessors Office at (707) 784-6210. Or write:

Assessor Recorder
675 Texas Street. Suite 2700
Fairfield, CA 94533-6338
Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00am – 4:00pm

Active Rain New Members – Getting Started

Have you invited others to the Active Rain Network?  Did you show them the manual?  Why not?  Because there isn’t one….. yet.  Are you giving them instructions on what to do next or where to go for help?  I have spent quite a few hours this past week helping those I’ve invited, get setup in Active Rain.  I found myself wishing there was a manual or instructional page to help my invitees.

This is for all the New Member Professionals (I don’t like the term “newbie”, being one myself) to help you get up and running on the Active Rain Network. This is not an official manual, just what I have put together to help you.

So you have joined the network, now what?

“STEP 1”
What should I do before I start?

  1. Bookmark Active Rain or your Profile page as a favorite 
  2. Write down or remember your login name and password
  3. Always login first to leave comments, posts, and edit profile etc.

“STEP 2”
Review The Guidelines Post.  This is at the very bottom of the page once you login. You can also click on it now.

“Step 3”
How do I setup my profile?

You should now be logged into Active Rain.  You need to setup your profile page.  It’s simple, yet very important. 
Follow these simple instructions: 

  • Next to the word Profile, Click on (Edit)
  • Add (Upload) your photo, just click on upload picture
  • Add your Address, Phones, Email, Website Etc.
  • In the “Description Box”, add your Value – Statement  (This is what people see under your photo)
  • Add “About Us” or “About Me” you can change by clicking on “Rename Selection” Type what it tells you
  • Do the Same with “Areas of Expertise” and “Testimonials” (Look at other members profiles to get ideas)
  • You can add photos, links, key bullet points, change fonts, spellcheck and more, just use this toolbar below. 
    (Hover your mouse over each graphic, and it will tell you what each icon does)




“Step 4”
Now that my profile is setup, what next?

  • Learn to use the navigational tools in Active Rain: First is the “Power Bar”

At the top of your screen, you will see the options below, here’s the breakdown of these:

  1. Q&A – Questions asked by others inside and outside the Active Rain Network
  2. Search – Allows you to search Profiles, Blogs, Comments and Groups
  3. Groups – There are over 100 groups you can join
  4. Blogs – This is the dashboard of all Blog Posts by members on Active Rain
  5. My Home – Takes you to your Home Page (Not your profile)
  6. Logout – This is where you logout or into Active Rain
  7. This Menu Bar also shows how many current members there are and how many are online



What Groups Should I join?

This is a matter of preference.  Look or “Search” through the groups and decide which one’s are of interest to you.  I recommend:

There are many other groups you may want to consider depending on your profession in the industry.
Once you find the groups you want to join, just click the box that says “JOIN GROUP” and you’re done.

Once you have selected the groups you want to join, you can access them from the left side of your screen ( see Below )


“Step 6”
What other Navigation tools are there?

You will find the following navigation tools on the left side of your screen, these are for:

Your Name appears here (Only When You Are Logged In)

My Home brings you to your home page in Active Rain

My Profile is your Active Rain Profile  (Use Edit to Change or Update)

My Blog is your Active Rain Blog – Only One Blog with many posts
Click on (Post) to create a new post

My Settings allows you to modify your Active Rain Account (email etc)

Groups – These are the links to the different groups you have joined

My Comments – Your comments you have made on others posts

Points Summary – This is the Breakdown of “your” Points earned

Statistics – You’ll have to click on this to see for yourself (you’ll likeit!)

Blog Bookmarks – There is a bookmark option under every post.
You can bookmark the ones you really like, and access them from here later
(You can also rate posts 1 – 5, and it is recommended that you do so)

Invite Others – Allows you to email invite other collegues and members

Link To ActiveRain – Get points when you put links back to Active Rain on websites

Associations – These are the members who have chosen to make you an associate. 
You can add “Associates” too.  Just click on “Add Associate” above their photo on their profile page.


Here are some other valuable blog posts I have found that should help you get started.  You can also do a
search to find ANY TOPIC you would like.  Need Help?  Do a search or create a post.  This is the place to be! 

Getting Started On Active Rain

2009 Getting Started On ActiveRain  (NEW – Added 7/4/09)

Best Blogging Resources  (NEW – Added 9/10/07)

Real Estate Blogging 101

Why Should I Blog as a Realtor

The Official Unofficial Guide

For Active Rain Newbies

Your Profile – Keeping It Fresh

Sure Fire Formula for a Successful Post

The Active Rain Community and Info

It will cover things like “creating posts”, and where to post them.  SEO, RSS Feeds,, Points Breakdown, Intermediate HTML code and using graphics, Using Tags, Creating Links, Adding Listings, Marketing and more!

I know this is a bit long, but hopefully this will help you and others to get started. 
Got Questions? Give me a click!  🙂