7 Mistakes to Avoid on Active Rain

I guess you can call these my Top 7 Pet Peeves on Active Rain. This is not a rant or a rave, it’s just my way of sharing with members, what others members may feel, but never write about. Please don’t take this personal if you fall into one or more of these categories. I know I did, but hopefully the TIPS I have provided below may help.

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and moreImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and moreANDImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and moreImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

1. It’s frustrating when someone adds you as an associate, but they don’t put a comment in the box. Then why are they adding you? Don’t members know that this is where we can really help each other out? There are more ways to support each other than just commenting on others Blogs?

TIP: If you’re going to add a member as an associate, take the time to write a 10 second comment in the box. Just write why you are adding them. This is a powerful tool that can be used as your reference or referral page, but only the member “adding you” has the control.
To add a comment to the associates you’ve added, go to that members profile page, click on “Add Associate” above their photo, then type your comment in the box at the bottom of the page. That member will be notified by email every time you do this, and hopefully will reciprocate. You can change or update comments anytime.

2. New members sign up everyday (hundreds of them) and never even complete their profile let alone post something to their blog. What a waste of valuable time and what a missed opportunity for these folks. Why do you sign up for something if you’re not going to use or understand it?

TIP: It’s easy. Just complete your profile, put in a recent picture, and post something to your Blog. Use the search option on AR to find just about anything! If it’s happened, it’s here on Active Rain! (there are hundreds of support posts on AR to help you) that’s why there’s no manual per se.

3. The most common: the “points” only member. Thinking that getting the most points and being featured will increase or better their business. They don’t realize that it’s the content of their blog, and their interaction with others, that will grow their business and relationships.

TIP: Make your point in your posts, not get points from your posts!! Content is the king! If you focus on points, you might get distracted and miss the whole “POINT” of Blogging.

4. The Blogger that comments on your post with a question, then never comes back to get the answer. I know I have done that in the past, and boy howdy can that ruffle another members feathers. Or what about the poster who never comes back and answers your question?

TIP: If you have a question and you ask it on another members post, remember to check the “Notify Me of Comments” box above the security word before you submit. You can always go back and un-check it later. If you create a post on your blog, come back and read the comments, and then reply to those questions or comments as you feel needed. (you can reply back in the comments of your post as well, you don’t have to send them an email, unless it’s personal of course)

5. This is a great one, you spend 45 minutes putting together a great post, you click on a hyper-link accidentally somewhere on the page, or you hit the “BACK” button and BAM!!! Your post is gone forever. That one really hurts!! We’ve all done it!

TIP: Save your post as a “draft” (frequently) or save it to your note pad, or word, or…just save it somewhere!

6. You write a post, leave for the weekend, come back to find 15 new comments, and then respond to all 15 in “one” comment box, only to have number 5 happen to you again. I have spent 20 minutes in a single comment box, responding to all those comments and when I hit the “submit comment”, I got that dreadful “PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED”! Man that’ll rattle your cage too! LOL!

TIP: Only reply back to 3 – 5 comments or so at a time. Try to be more consice in your reply comments. Don’t do mini-posts in the comments unless you do them one at a time.

7. My personal favorite only because it is harmless and unintentional, but it’s the “Impatient Blogger” who clicks on the “submit comment” then clicks it again because their screen didn’t change, only to add the same comment 2 or 3 times to your post. I hate deleting your comments, but by the 3rd one, I just gotta do it.

TIP: Question here is, how many points do you get if you submit the same comment 2-3 times? Hmmm….LOL!
Only click the “Submit Comment” button once! That’s it!

I have others, but these 7 seemed like a great start because I’m “Keeping It Real” and “Keeping it fun”!! What’s your pet peeve? Spelchek? hahaha

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007 – The Escrow Guy

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Is this a Hoax? Now you can find out the truth!

 My wife and kids got really excited when I told them about the email I received, stating that on August 27th, at 12:30am, the moon and mars would look like "two moons" in the sky.  When my co-worker sent me this email, we made plans to set the alarm, go outside, and witness this once in a lifetime phenomenon.  This is going to happen tomorrow!  Here's what the email read:

*Two moons on August 27*
*Aug 27 the Whole World is waiting for…* Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August.  It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles of earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.  Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.

Naturally, who wouldn't want to miss a spectacular event like this.  As we travelled home from our weekend at the "Beach House" at Dillon Beach, we were making our plans and discussing how we would prepare and be ready to enjoy this wonderful event.  When we finally got settled back home this evening, I decided to see if this was for real or just a Hoax! 

Here is a website you will want to check out, bookmark, and use for any future emails, announcements or other forms of events that you're not sure about.  It's called Snopes.com.  I have used this website on numerous occasions when I get these types of emails or hear about questionable events or ideas.  You are going to LOVE Snopes.  Every time I have used this site, it has been 100% accurate. 

So will there be "Two Moons" in the sky on August 27, 2007 at 12:30am.?
  You can click here to find out.  I hope you'll add this site to your favorites as I have.  It has saved me many times from forwarding emails that could have otherwise turned into an embarrassing moment for myself and others.  I always want to provide accurate and informative information to my clients, family and friends.  Snopes.com is one of the "Best On The Web" in my opinion! 

Before you forward an email to your clients or friends, or do a post, (like I almost did)be sure to check it out first, do your research, and save yourself from having to apologize for giving mis-informed information.  Is this post a Hoax?  Only Snopes will know and tell….

Here are the top 25 Myths or Urban Legends you may have seen already, or may be targeted for in the future.

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007 – The Escrow Guy                          Subscribe To Brad's Blog   Add Brad as an Associate

Mobile Advertising – Taking your Real Estate Business on the Road

Here is a classic example of mobile advertising.
  If you saw this car while driving down the road, would you go to the store and purchase your favorite Jelly Belly's?  Would you refer your family, friends and neighbors to the local store to purchase this product too? 

Is this type of marketing effective or not, still remains to be answered.  Does advertising your company or business on your vehicle really get you any business?  Is it just a way of drawing attention to yourself in hopes that someone will remember you when the time comes, and there's a need for your services?


Today, while driving around town to various appointments and meetings, I noticed a much greater than usual "mobile marketing campaign" on the road, highways, and parking lots in my areas. 

It made me wonder, what good this type of marketing really does for you or your business?  Luckily, I had my handy dandy TREO 700p with the built in camera to assist me with creating this post.   🙂

I thought about the benefits of mobile marketing all day, especially considering this changed market of ours.  Some say that if you wear your name tag every where you go, you will pick up an additional 1 – 2 transactions a year.

I'm not sure how much truth is in that statement, but I have heard it a thousand times, literally. 

I have seen billboards, shopping carts, coffee cup holders, freeway and highway roadside sponsorships.  I have seen business cards at the local dry cleaners, the coffee shop, and in racks at various restaurants all over town.  I even saw an inflatable Gorilla in front of a local real estate office, in order to draw attention to their company.

When I see these cars on the road, I can't help but wonder what kind of clients and opportunities this type of marketing can really generate for you and your business?  Is it really marketing, or just causing a distraction? If people are always trying to figure out what your license plate reads (c'mon you know you do it too),  then maybe trying the same thing with the rest of the car is a good idea?!?  


What is mobile advertising?  Is it promoting the company, the product, a tool or service to help consumers with the purchase of Real Estate?  If that's the case, why is there not an MLS Kiosk in the trunk, or an electronic neon banner in the back window? Maybe a "Pimp-My-Ride" external monitor showing all the listings and best prices in the area. Great for other commuters to watch while stopped at the red light, or stuck in traffic.  But would it get you any business?

There are many forms of advertising including buses advertising Real Estate Brokers, and Lenders.  Don't forget the television commercials. And get this, there's even an Agent who drives around in the Bay Area, in a mobile home, logo plastered on the side, and it's his portable Real Estate Office.  What is next for mobile advertising?  

Should we all decorate our cars, trucks and bikes with our company logos and drive the streets with the intent, "Look at Me, Look at Me, and don't forget me when it's time to buy or sell your home!"  Is it worth it?  Does it work?  Is there more to this than just advertising?  Maybe this is a waste of time and money, maybe it's really the next best way to Farm and Prospect in your community!  Hmmm….

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007 – The Escrow Guy                          Subscribe To Brad's Blog   Add Brad as an Associate

Your Blog – Now Available In 18 Different Languages?

 What if a single click could convert your entire Blog or Web-page to a different language?  How about 18 different languages?  That would be very cool.  Well, I get excited about this stuff because I see there is a potential to reach more readers, have global potential with your business, and use the latest and greatest technology to enhance and grow your relationships.  Possibly breakdown the language barrier between you and your clients and readers.

I have a client who speaks 12 different languages.  She is an Active Rain member, and I hope she’ll find this post!  I would love to see how she might use a tool like this. This could be a huge opportunity to open up the marketing floodgates all over the country!  The best way to find out, is of course, to do a post on my Blog and see what others have to say.

Go ahead and try this, convert this post to any language you choose. I’ll show you how to add this to your Blog, Website, or any other HTML Internet web-page!  Some of you will read this and go get it right away, there are others of you that may not be familiar with HTML and how to place it on your AR profile or Blog.  This is just another little tech tip for you in trying to help you, “Get Your Arms Around Technology” 

You can go to my widget showcase, and look for the following text at the top of the page: Try it for yourself…

                                                                      Convert This Page To Any Language

If you like this tool, you can pick one up yourself at their website, and add it to your Blog.  Here’s instructions how to add HTML to your Blog! DETAILS>>>

If someone does contact you to do business from another Country, or even locally, but speaks another language, how do you do business with them now?  I’m sure many of you will have some great ideas on how to utilize this tool in your business, I just wanted to bring it to your attention. This is “NEW”, and available….for FREE!  It’s a good life!  Enjoy.

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007   Subscribe To Brad's Blog   Add Brad as an Associate

The Climb to the Bottom, or the Fall to the Top!

 Well, I knew that title would get your attention!!  LOL!  The 100K Post.  Today, I pass through into a new dimension of Bloggers commonly known as the "Active Rain Silver Star Hall of Fame!"  Thanks Neal Bloom and AR for creating and supporting a group that allows those of us who finally hit 100,000 points to stop, look up, take a breath, and realize what the heck we have just done!!  I will say, I never thought I'd reach this point or points!

Today is not just any ol' 100,000 point day, it is also my Birthday!!  That's right, another year past, and another year to go, and I get to do it all again. 🙂  It all happens so fast, I am not sure at times if I am coming or going, floating or sinking, climbing or falling!  I have heard that the man on the top of the mountain didn't fall there, and that the boy in the sand didn't climb there?!?  What really matters the most, is what has happens along the way.  The destination is always important, but the journey is what's most crucial. 

When I first joined Active Rainback on Feb. 29th, 2007, I have to be honest, I had no idea where I was going with my Blog!  Honestly, I was just the Escrow Guy, I had no voice, I couldn't write, and I still only type with four fingers.  I wasn't even sure what a Blog was or why in heaven anyone would want one!! 

Since then, the voice I have found is "my own".  It was in there all along, I was just afraid to share it with others, and feared failure!  I mean come on, actually write and post articles on the Internet and expose myself to the world?  Are you kidding?  Well, I have learned so much in the last six months.  Blogging is an effective way to build your Business, plain and simple.  Active Rain is the "BEST" resource for support and for gaining knowledge and experience.  The search engines (google.com)love AR Blogs, and seem to be pushing me up the lists all the time.  You get out of your Blog what you put into it.  And lastly, I have never met as many wonderful people in a single place in all my life!!!

Today, I celebrate so much more than just a Birthday and some points.
  I celebrate the true meaning of LIFE!!  Having a wonderful family, and the best friends on the planet!  My house, the cars, the toys and the money are all great, but the relationships I have been blessed with over the years are what have been the absolute greatest value to me.  For over 20 years, my company has put up with me, and provided the food on my familys' table.  My clients and friends have taught me the value of "Loyalty" with their unconditional support, and Active Rain has created a place for all of us to share, build, grow and celebrate our life experiences.

To all my friends and clients I have established over the years, this post is really dedicated to YOU!!!  All I have learned, all I have grown, and All I have accomplished in my life is thanks to YOU!   So raise your glass, hold it high in the air, and join me in a toast to "LIFE", a unique, unpredictable and unforgettable journey with those who we love, and will respect until the end of time!  The climb to the bottom really is better than the fall to the top!   It's not all about the journey to the center of 100,000 points that's important, it's the 100,000 memories and moments of your "LIFE" that really count!  So make them count!  Live, Laugh, (you have to click on this one), and Love Life… with No Regrets!!  B-) 

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007The Escrow Guy                          Subscribe To Brad's Blog   Add Brad as an Associate

Home Values on Your Phone?

This is a nifty little service that was introduced to me by fellow Active Rain member Stephen Joos who works with HouseFront.  At first it seemed to be just another widget, but after I researched it more, I found this to be quite a useful tool, not only for us industry “techies” but consumers as well. 

You can use this FREE widget on your Blog, or your website, but I really like that it can be used on your cell phone while you are mobile, anywhere in the world.  All you have to do is text your property address, city, and state to (house) 46873 on your cell phone, and 30 seconds later, you have the property info, owner, price paid, and estimated value of the property.  (In most cases) Find Real Estate Valuations for over 100 million homes! 

I spoke with Stephen over the phone a couple days ago, to ask some of the very questions I know many of you’d be asking.  I was very impressed with his knowledge of the product, experience, and his customer service.  This is the only tool I am aware of that offers this type of service to you on your cell phone.  I have not researched any others, but this is the first I have seen or heard of this.  I Like It! 

I have added this widget to my Blog to feature this month.  I am also putting it into this post for you to test and see what you think.  This is not a paid advertisement or a commercial, I just felt compelled to share this with my fellow Industry Professionals and the consumers who may like to know about it.  Put in Your address, you know you’re dying to find out what it will say.  Then try the “text to your phone.”  When it comes to having the tools to impress for success, and for less, I’d add this one to the rest…..it passed my test!  🙂

Edit Update: HouseFront.com just rolled out a new feature called “Send to Cell”, so now when you type in an address, and then have the information sent to your phone. This works from the widget as well and requires no updating if you are currently using it. HouseFront also tracks all of your text message searches on their website for your tracking and future use.

Widgets: How to Add Them to Your Blog

 How do you add “Widgets” to your Active Rain Blog?  You can only add them to either your profile page, your posts, or in the right side column on your main Blog page.  These instructions are to add a Widget to your Blog under your photo, the same as you see on mine.

The first step is to select a “Widget” that you’d like to add to your blog.  All Widgets will require you to use the HTML code provided by that Widget, and then paste it into Active Rain.  If you would like to see some samples of the Widgets I have previously used, you can click here .  All these Widgets are FREE.  You just need to register with them to get the HTML codes.

***WARNING:  Be careful using too many Widgets, they can cause your Blog to load slower on older computers “Blogging them down”, therefore, causing readers and members to not come back and view your posts.  Too many Widgets can do more harm than good.  See: “Widgets can be hazardous to YOU and your readers!”  DETAILS>>>

To add a Widget, I am going to use the TopBlogArea widget as a sample:  It looks like:     Real Estate blogs     This is a just a little Widget that is used to track your Blog, and see what position you are in on the web.  It’s also known as a chicklet.



Go to the Widget Website TopBlogArea to sign up, register, and get the HTML code:
(open the link in a new window so you can still read these steps)

a. Click on “Register an Account” 

b.Add your information about you and your Blog

c.Complete other information IE: Blog Category, Blog Name, Blog URL, Blog Description etc.

*NOTE:(Your URL is http://activerain.com/blogs/YourUserNameHere ) Your RSS Feed will be the same.

d. Click on “Get HTML Code” It will look something like below:

<!– TopBlogArea.com START –><a href=”http://www.topblogarea.com/real_estate/&#8221; title=”Real Estate blogs”><img border=”0″ src=”http://www.topblogarea.com/tracker.php?do=in&id=8242&#8243; alt=”Top Real Estate blogs”></a><!– TopBlogArea.com END –>

e. Highlight and select ALL the HTML code with your mouse, and then press  CTRL + C to copy.

Now you’re ready to paste into your Active Rain Blog!



Now that you have copied the HTML code, you need to paste it into the proper place on Active Rain.

a. Click on “My Profile” in Active Rain (that means your profile, not mine) LOL!

b. Next, Click on “My Settings”

c. Now paste the HTML code by using the CTRL + V on your keyboard in the “Blog Description” box just below the
Blog Title box as shown below:



Now click on “My Blog” to review your Widget.  It should be on the right hand column, just under your photo.

THAT’s IT! You’re Done!   ~  Now you can use this same process to add “ANY” Widget to your Active Rain Blog. 

Here are some others “Widgets” and links you may be interested in:

For Hundreds of Widgets, GO TO WidgetWorld or WidgetBox.  See  Missy Caulk’s  post: “Why I Love These Little Guys”


*TIP:  You can adjust the sizes of your Widgets and graphics in the HTML code.  Height=”350″ and Width=”500″ can always be changed to any size you like.  Just change the number between the quotations ”   “.  Be careful of the LARGE Widgets, they’ll run your photo and Blog right off the screen. I use around “150” max width to be safe.

*TIP II:  If you want your Widgets to be centered, you’ll need to use an HTML code <center> at the beginning and </center> at the end of your HTML code.  This will center ONLY the widget, and NOT everything else, like your links, your tags, or anything else above or below your widget. 

See the sample HTML below…
<center><!– TopBlogArea.com START –><a href=”http://www.topblogarea.com/real_estate/&#8221; title=”Real Estate blogs”><img border=”0″ src=”http://www.topblogarea.com/tracker.php?do=in&id=8242&#8243; alt=”Top Real Estate blogs”></a><!– TopBlogArea.com END –></center>

You can also use Widgets on your profile page.  If you do use Widgets, be selective.  They can be fun, cute and even entertaining, but they can also be distracting, annoying and irritating.  Always use moderation and good judgement.  Change them around and update them often.  There are some great Widgets out there and I am sure that with Apple leading the Widget and Gizmo way, there will soon be many more to choose from.  Good luck, and good Widgets! 

This post is for Seth Callen, a new member on Active Rain who specifically requested this.
Paying it forward, “Active Rain Style!”


All Content Copyright Protected © 2007    Subscribe To Brad's Blog     Add Brad as an Associate

Google Earth – The Whole World In Your Hands!

Google Earth

The number one reason to incorporate Google Earth into your business is that it’s FREE, and who isn’t trying to save money in todays market and economy.  You can download Google Earth and begin using it immediately.

If you already have Google Earth, you may want to explore some of the features and valuable benefits that are available to you.  I wanted to share just a few tips that may entice you to take a serious look at why more and more people are discovering and using Google Earth.

Did you know that you can now create tours?  That includes vacations, open houses, caravans, and they are available in virtual mode, can be emailed, and even added to your GPS?  Google Earth is so much more than just a mapping program.  You’ve got the whole world in your hands.  Go in and look at all the layers and overlays you can add to your maps and screen shots.  Find schools, parks, shopping, transportation, dining, lodging etc., and then email to your clients who may be moving into that area.  It just keeps getting better…

Here’s some sample screen shots I put together using Real Estate Shows
Google Earth Slide Show. 

 The Navigational tool on Google Earth is Fantastic.  You can zoom, turn, pitch, roll, angle, go vertical and horizontal, and even cruise across America’s plains in slow, medium, or fast speed!  By using the navigational tools in Google Earth, you can now capture some awesome views, angles, and screen shots for your presentations. There’s even 3D and now 4D.

Using the Search tools, you can get directions, do Fly-overs, Find businesses and more.  You can create custom views, add place-marks, create text and personalize your searches.  You can even show time zones, navigation, and save your searches for future use.

To see some youtube videos of what you can do with Google Earth and Youtube.com, check out this link.  Details>>>

BTW – For $20.00, you can upgrade to Google Earth Plus, and add GPS device support, get faster performance, add the ability to import spreadsheets, and get even higher resolution printing.  Some really great stuff for only twenty bucks.


 Here’s some more links you might want to check out:  Explore Popular Places , Featured Content , Google Earth Community , View 3D Buildings , Product comparison , Build 3D Models , Maps on your phone.  I think you’ll agree after seeing these, this is a fabulous tool that can be used in your Business.  I’m sure many are already!

Google Earth is a powerful and useful application that you should add to your list of technology tools for your business and success.  This is not a new application, but it has been upgraded to 4.1 and has more features, tools, and options than I can fit into a single post.  There are so many things to explore, I hope you’ll take the time to test drive, evaluate and utilize the FREE new and improved Google Earth.  The “Ball” is now in your court…

Have you seen “Where in the world is Matt?”  just another idea of what you can do with Google Earth!  The possibilities are endless…                               

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007    Subscribe To Brad's Blog   Add Brad as an Associate

Successful Blogging in the Real Estate Industry

 So now you are a Blogger on Active Rain!  You create content, you write, you post, you read, you comment, but do you ever wonder…where does my Blogging go from here?  Is this as good as it gets?  Should I have more than one Blog?  My answer to you is yes!  Every single person and panelists that I met in San Francisco at the Real Estate Connect last week, ALL had a Blog or write for a Blog outside of Active Rain.  Don't get me wrong, I think that Blogging in the rain is great, in fact I will always be an Active Rain Alumni, but eventually, you should consider a Blog out in the Blogosphere too.  

Have you noticed that many of the Active Rain writers and Bloggers all have their own personal Blogs too?  The reason I keep coming back to Active Rain is for the SEO, the relationships and the comments, among many other reasons which I'll share with you in a moment.  I have to say, writing 10 posts on my outside Blog with 0 comments the first month, can get lonely and depressing after a while.  I have experienced this with some of my personal Blogs using blogger.com and wordpress.com  (there are many more FREE ones out there), but I love coming back to the "rain" after being out in the desert!  LOL!

Here's my advice to you.
  Spend your first few months, or whatever time it takes, just getting around and understanding how to Blog using Active Rain as your platform / forum to do things like:

  • Find your voice  (The Big Secret: it's the one you use everyday, just be yourself)
  • Learn the ins-and-outs of Blogging
  • Meet others to build and grow your business relationships and national network
  • Understand how to create a layout for your Blog and your posts or articles
  • Decide what look, feel, and design you want to deliver to your audience 
  • Get advice from the many pros, and learn, learn, learn! 

All this and so much more is available to you right here on Active Rain! 

Then you can venture out somewhere, and start your own Blogging voice in the Blogosphere Galaxy!  There are some things about Blogging that no one can teach you, you just have to learn by trial and error.  It takes time, patience, persistence, and a commitment!  It takes YOU to just do it!  Trust me, you will find your way if you're determined.  Voice the things you are most passionate about, not just things and topics that create value, but write to create relationships.  That's what blogging is truly all about, and the unmeasurable value that it brings.

If you are part of the Real Estate Industry, and you are a Blogger, you are way ahead of your competition!  But one day, Blogging may just be another "tool-box standard" of doing business like having a website, a cell phone, GPS or a laptop!  What about the future expectations from the Internet savy consumers?  Will they be on your Blog, or on someone else's?  Do you have a plan?  Are you finding your voice and learning how to write to YOUR audience?  Take the time to really understand what it is that you are doing and what your intentions are as a Blogger.  Take it serious but have fun too.  Creating a great Blog is really no different than creating a great business plan!  Put in the time and the effort.

Active Rain is the ultimate place to begin your Blogging journey.  It is the fastest and most powerful start-up support network in the industry.  There is no place on the internet or on the planet for that matter, that you can get this type of support and information.  Just take a look at some of these Blogs by your fellow Active Rain Members and Colleagues.  These are some great Blogs from some very successful professionals in the Real Estate Industry.  

(selected at random – sorry if I missed yours)

Laurie Manny , Gena Reide , Cyndee Haydon , Mark Flanders ,  Colleen Kulikowski , Roberta Murphy , Maureen McCabe , Jeff Turner , Brian Brady , Kristal Kraft , Kaye Thomas , Teresa Boardman , Linda Davis , Rich Jacobson did you view these Blogs?  See what I mean?  I hope this helps you determine your Blogs future…

Blogging is FREE promotion and advertising no matter what part of the Real Estate Industry you are in!  It adds $0.00 dollars to your marketing campaign and budget, yet it can add thousands to your Profits.  Basically, you are creating an on-line office that allows you to interact with other industry professionals and consumers, but on a National level.  It makes (cents) to me why anyone would want to Blog and have more than one!! 

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007The Escrow Guy                          Subscribe To Brad's Blog   Add Brad as an Associate

Roundtable Focus Group | Visits the Deferred Sales Trust Strategy

Today we held a meeting in Walnut Creek, CA. to introduce a strategy known as the “Deferred Sales Trust” to a group of elite Executive Level Brokers and Realtors.  The program was sponsored by QFN out of Sacramento, CA.  The CEO / PRESIDENT Daniel Ahmad was the presenter of this optional strategy for Sellers, that can also be used all across the Country. 

We had 13 Top Producing REALTORS / BROKERS from both Contra Costa and Solano Counties in attendance.  There were several reasons we wanted to introduce this strategy, and have a group of trusted and reputable Real Estates Professionals as a focus group:

1. To provide the ability to help sellers with this new “Deferred” tax strategy
2. To open new opportunities and doors which will increase listings and referral business
3. To help agents get educated on the DST in the event a seller may have been introduced to it by their CPA or Financial Planner, or heard about it from a family member or neighbor (no surprises)

The group met for about one hour today, and the presentation was very informative.  There were many questions and open discussions regarding ALL the possibilities, both negative and positive.  What were the differences of the DST as compared to a TIC or a 1031 Exchange.  These Talking Points will provide you with a brief summary of the key ideas and facts about what a Deferred Sales Trust is, how it works, and what the benefits are to the seller. This perfectly legal way to defer capital gains tax and reduce your sellers tax burden may be better than anything you have previously heard about. 





A Deferred Sales Trust is a special type of sale authorized by the IRS that lets the property seller pay the capital gains over time, rather than immediately at the time of sale as in a typical transaction.  Rather than losing a significant sum to taxes at the time of sale, you have the opportunity to pay your capital gains taxes over many years.

Avoid paying current capital gains and depreciation recapture, create lifetime income, protect assets from creditors and lawsuits, and the assets pass to your beneficiaries, estate and gift tax free. There is no maximum to the size of value of the transaction. The DSTTMcan be used with any kind of entity, i.e., LLC, S or C election corporations as well as individuals who own real estate , rental properties, vacation homes, commercial properties, hotels, land, industrial complexes, retail developments, and raw land, to name a few.

Why Choose a DST:
You may want to sell but don’t want to pay the taxes.  2) You may want steady income and asset protection.  3) You may want to avoid estate taxes.  4) You may want to sell because your investment property appreciation is worth more than what the rental income is paying (i.e. asset in a trust would provide higher income).  5) You may feel that managing real estate is no longer attractive.  6) You may want to sell but can’t find a quality 1031 to exchange into.

Approved by the IRS, The DSTTM is a legal method, combining several sections in the tax code, which allow the seller of the property to defer capital gain taxes due at the time of sale over a period of time, even beyond your lifetime. Deferring taxes, legally, is not new – commonly used tax deferral examples are 1031 exchanges and installment sales. Various types of trusts are used by millions of Americans to protect and transfer assets to their heirs outside of probate and to minimize and even avoid selling their assets to pay estate taxes. 

Control of Money:
You choose your trustee(s) and decide how the money is to be invested.  Beneficiaries don’t control or have access to your money.

Features of a DST:
A “DST”, facilitated by you and the QFN team of experts, offers sellers the opportunity to:

•Avoid unlimited amount of current taxation on the sale.
•Eliminate the requirement to immediately reinvest in real estate or another business
•Receive steady and reliable income not dependent on tenants or business operations.
•Maximize net after tax and after expense income from their assets.
•Terminate all active management responsibilities of owning real estate or a business.
•Increase the basis on all new properties and businesses, avoiding “Low Basis Carryover”.
•Pass on any amount of assets to their beneficiaries, free of estate taxes.
•Receive income on a tax-advantaged basis, always lower than ordinary income rates.
•Defer the income from the assets until the income is actually needed.
•Diversify assets out of real estate and businesses to minimize financial risk.
•Access their funds for emergencies and opportunities.
•Protect assets against creditors and lawsuit judgments.
•Buy smaller properties, other businesses, and even foreign properties and businesses, while avoiding all current taxation.   

When To Use: 
This tax strategy can only be used if a sale has not closed escrow.  You must transfer the property to the trust BEFORE the close of escrow.

Paying the Taxes:
From your annuity payments, a portion is tax free, another portion is taxed as ordinary income, and a final portion is taxed as capital gains.

The Next Step:
If you’re in escrow now, or seriously considering selling, QFN will provide a free Illustration Request.  This no obligation report will show the results of your transaction using a Deferred Sales Trust.

Not all tax and financial strategies are suitable for all investors.  You should always consult with your tax and financial advisor’s before making a decision.


If your sellers ask you about a DST at your listing presentation, you might find the information in this post to be somewhat valuable.  If your sellers tell you they don’t want to sell because of the equity they have in their property, and the possible tax consequences, you might want to mention the DST.  This is not an endorsement or sales post, it is merely an educational tax strategy that I wanted to share with you.  If you have the power to help your sellers in ways no other agent can, then you bring “additional value” to those who need your services and expect you to have this type of knowledge.  I hope you can benefit from this information as much as many of your sellers and investors can!

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