The Blog and The Spouse – In Our House!

This past weekend, I did a post and found out that there may be some REAL issues with Blogging and Spouses! Not mine of course, well… there have been days….LOL! In light of a somewhat humorous post I put up on Saturday, I wanted to follow-up with what really happened this past weekend.

When I wrote the postMama Says NO BLOGGING,” it was somewhat of a joke, but the reality was, my wife wanted me off the work computer, and in the recording studio to finish one of her songs. It’s been an ongoing project for the past couple weeks. Music, it’s our other “shared” passion!

In the past, I have always written the music, and she does a great job writing the lyrics and performing the songs. This time, she has written the entire song herself. She finally got me away from the computer long enough this weekend to produce this Video. (Amateur of Course) I know you are probably all sick of hearing me talk about video, and Real Estate interviews, virtual tours, mixpo, youtube, etc. etc. But this one is different. Why? Cause it’s for my sweetheart!

We used the MacBook Pro Laptop to record all the tracks in our home studio, then we shot the Video yesterday as we drove around the neighborhood. I uploaded it and did a final mix in Mixpo, and here’s what we came up with for her “First Ever” Music Video. WooHoo!! I am very proud of my wife and very excited for her, enough so that I just had to Blog about it! I really enjoyed making this for her, and now just wanted to share. This is her passion and dream!

I’ve written many posts about everything else in life, now it’s time to dedicate a post to my Beautiful, Loving, Supportive, Talented, Gifted, Mother of my Children and Soul Mate! My wife Debra! (I love you Princess!) I have never seen her as happy as she was tonight when I played this video for her the very first time. The name of her song is called All I Need

Mama Says "NO BLOGGING!"

 Last night my wife and I went to a fabulous event held in Vacaville, CA.  It was the Food and Wine Jubilee put on at the Nut Tree, where hundreds gathered to enjoy an evening of tasting spirits and foods from all over the County.  For us, this was our first time attending.  It was great!  It was nice to get out, meet people, try some great food, and have a date night together!  We were even escorted there by Limo.

Now, what I am going to share with you next is very personal and probably "unique to only me",  (I'm sure no one else has experienced this) but I have to tell you, "Mama Said, "NO MORE BLOGGING" this weekend!  Get off, and stay off that computer!!  You are mine this weekend MISTER!  WHOA!!  So I said OK honey!!  But then it really hit me… the thought of having Bloggers withdrawals!!  Could I make it an entire day without Blogging or touching my computer?  How about a whole weekend?  Yikes!!  Today, I actually felt really guilty just walking by the computer in my studio, and yet I was in control, I had the will power, I am strong,…yada yada yada…or so I thought!!   LOL!~

It can't be that bad, or is it?
  Last night at the Jubilee, when Mama had to run to the ladies room, I'd check comments on my IPhone, I even did a TWITTER or two.  Then I caught myself interviewing people and thinking about my next Blog post, when I remembered "NO BLOGGING!"  Man, am I really a Blogoholic or what??  Nah…not me!  OK I CONFESS, I really am addicted to you folks, this place, and it's really hard to stay away for any length of time.  I feel like if I'm gone for more than a day, I miss soooooo much of the action, the stories, and what's happening out here in the "rain"….

You see, I used to sneak around quietly at nights to Blog
because I couldn't do it during the day, my company discouraged it!  I couldn't Blog in the evenings, my wife and kids needed me, so the only time I could Blog was very early mornings, or very late at night, and weekends!  Blogging had become a real "Time Management" thing for me.  I'd Blog for an hour in the mornings, then make some comments at night.  Then I'd have all weekend to pop in and out when necessary!  Seemed like a good enough system for me.  Until now……

Now, I'll have to re-adjust my schedule all over again!
  Just when I thought I had it all figured out! haha! 

This past month, I have had the chance to speak to so many of you
on the phone or just converse by email.  I am learning so much about our communities and the truly awesome people that make up the AR Network.  Rich Jacobson and Bob Stewart have been the ultimate mentors, and I really do love my new job, but… when Mama says "No Blogging", it's no Blogging!!  Not this weekend anyway!!  hehe!!  :-O

So there you have it,  I got it off my chest….and…. uh oh…..oooooh…I gotta go, looks like Mama's back home from the store….. shhhhhhh.  LOL!~  :-)))

and here's the rest of this story…

How To Use Mixpo Video Online Tools

Many ActiveRain members have signed up for the Mixpo Video, so I wanted to share a tutorial on using Mixpo for your ActiveRain Blogs.  There will be a series of tutorials to follow, and some by other members I'm sure, but this will be a great start to get you up and running with Mixpo Video.  


If you have never created, edited, or uploaded video onto the internet or into your Blog posts, this will be a great place for you to start.


If you haven't signed up, or just want to know more about MixpoCLICK HERE!

So You Just Shot Your Video – Now What Do You Do With It?

Once you have recorded some RAW video either with a Flip Video Camera, a digital camera, a movie camera or just with your cell phone, all you need to do is get it transferred to your computer desktop, or into a folder somewhere on your computer. Usually it's just drag and drop, or copy from an SD card, or hook up a cable and transfer.  Mixpo works with most video formats. .AVI, .MOV, .WMF, etc. which is standard on most Digital Video Cameras and Recorders.

Accessing Your Mixpo Account and Uploading Video

  1. Go to and use the "Sign in" button at the top right corner of the home page. Or you can just Click Here to go straight to the sign in page if you're currently subscribed.
  2. Enter your email address, and the password that you were notified with, then click the "Sign In" Button.
  3. For the rest of this tutorial post, I'll try and use images and text to make it easier. 

When this next screen appears,
there will be (3) three tabs at the top right side of the page.  We're going to focus on the second or #2 tab today.  This is where you'll need to start to upload your video to Mixpo. 


On the next screen, you will be given the option to create a new project, or use a previously made template. Click on the "Select" button to start your video upload, and begin the editing/production process.



Now you are ready to fly through the process.  We will cover the 5 tabs below, in a Basic Overview on this post.  First is the "Description Tab" on the Mixpo Console.  View the screen shot below, it's pretty self explanatory.  Just title your Video post, add your tags or keywords, and give your video a "Description!"  Just like any Blog post, these are important areas to review when considering your content and keyword selection.  SEO isn't everything…but it's almost!!  LOL!~


Next, we'll Click on the tab to the right of description, the "Visuals Tab!" This is where you can upload your video, your photos, and your graphic images.  You can also select from the Mixpo Library which has over 1150 Professional High Quality Videos and Photos.  These are included in your subscription for you to use freely. This is also where you would delete any unwanted videos if needed.  Just use the "Delete an Image or Video" option next to the red X!  (You can preview video's and photos from the Mixpo Library before selecting them.  There are some great animated backgrounds and video clips available.) I highly recommend saving your work at this point!  Save it in draft mode until ready to publish.



Now let's review the "Narrations" Tab.  This area allows you to create narrations and voice overs.  You will need a mic hooked up to your computer to use this feature.  This is good for video that has horrible sound or background noise that you want to cover with a narration or voice overlay.  



Adding Sounds, Music, Background FX and Special Effects: Click on the "Sounds" Tab and start bringing your video to life.  You can use the Mixpo sound files and music, or you can upload your own.  Importing is FAST and simple.  Just click on the "Add Stock Audio" to choose from hundreds in the Library, or select "Import Audio" to Upload your own.  (Be sure to NOT USE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED SONGS or sound bits ie: Elton John, Elvis Presley etc.)



Here's a screen shot of the Mixpo Sound Console Library.  Each of these can be customized: volume, length etc.



Adding Overlays and Custom Text, Links, Colors and Fonts: This is where the real power of Mixpo is revealed.  Click on "Add Overlay", and you'll get a selection of multiple text type overlays.  These can be placed anywhere through-out your video.  The Text, Colors, Bursts, Ovals, Click Throughs, and Lead Captures can be linked to any page on the internet, or linked back to any email address.  This is one of the most unique tools available.  The power of Mixpo Video editing and production is right here. 



Here are some samples below of what others have done with Mixpo, both in and out of the Real Estate Industry.  This just gives you some ideas on how to create some quality VideoAds for you and your company.  I will put 2 links, the first one will be the link to Mixpo where the video is hosted, and the other to their site where the final Video Production is being displayed. Some of these are using Ad-Rotation which we'll get into on a later post! 🙂








In the next Mixpo tutorial,  we'll cover:
Syndicating your Video, Embedding Code into a Post, Website etc., Completing your Settings and adding your Logo, Managing your Library, Details of the Mixpo Dashboard, Using Ad Rotation, Creating a "Video Template" to save time, Customizing your iContact info on Video Options, and Mastering Your Video, Audio, Voice Over, Links, and the Effects Timeline.

If it were to "Rain" much more, could we expect flooding?  :-))

Viddler Video Commenting – Is This Vlogging?

Today I was reviewing one of the Video's I put together for my kids called "The Magic Floating Dollar!" I was explaining to them some ways that a REALTOR® could use this as a demonstration when at a Listing Appointment. Instead of a dollar, the agent could use their business card to perform a memorable and fun presentation.

I have been spending lot's of time reviewing many different Video hosting platforms: YouTube Yahoo Video MySpace DivX Stage6 Google Video VeOH Grouper iFilm Caught On Video TinyPic Multiply YouAreTV OverairTV Yourfilehost MetaCafe DiDGU WellcomeMat and I am sure there are many others I may have missed, but Viddler is one that had a feature that really kind of impressed me.

Viddler is a Video hosting website with some limitations, but what I thought was cool is the ability to add comments at certain points during the video. You can even add video to the video. I started thinking how this would apply to the Real Estate Industry? How would you use a tool like this or would you? What about your visitors and subscribers to your Blog? Is there value in having comments added to your video, or giving others access to add their comments? They already do on our Blogs…Hmmm

I'm using the Video below for you to experiment with to see how this all works. Feel free to comment, add your video uploads, make suggestions or just brainstorm some ideas on where the value may or may not be in this type of video tool. It's really kind of cool, but is it practical and beneficial to you or our industry? I'd love to hear your comments and opinions, both good and constructive. Please leave them in the video below, if you can, or just leave the "traditional" comments if you prefer.


Just click on the little circle that's on the play bar as it's scrolling across the bottom of the video, a little green plus sign (+) will pop up, and just click on it for options. Leave your comments, video etc. Very Cool!


Edit: 4/22/08 – 5:00pm. It looks as though you can't comment on this video unless you're a Viddler Member, which you'd have to be to use this tool anyway, so thanks to those of you who helped us figure this out. I know you have to be a member at Youtube, and Google to upload video there as well. I was just wondering if this brought any value to the community or our industry. I still think it's pretty cool… 🙂

Once Brothers, Now Friends!

About two months ago, my bother Rick Andersohn found me here on ActiveRain. He used Google to do a name search and the rest became history today! When I was 5 years old, my brother and I were separated from each other due to one of those unfortunate events in life we all hate called divorce. I had looked for my brother Rick for so many years, and at this point in my life, I was ready to give up, throw in the towel, and come to terms with knowing that I’d never see him again!

Today, after more than 40 years, two brothers were reunited in one of those special moments that stopped time!! OMG!! Finally, I’d be coming face to face with a complete stranger yet knowing he is my brother. I don’t even know who he is, or what he looks like. I wouldn’t know where to begin if I had to explain some of the thoughts and emotions that I have experienced these past few days. It all led up to just one moment in time, 11:00am Today!

This photo was captured by my 11 year old son who had never seen or knew he had an Uncle. As my wife and I sat there anxiously waiting for Rick to arrive, it was really weird. I realized that my mind and body could actually produce nerves that I never knew existed. LOL!~ Just then, in walked Rick! A stranger, my brother, is this for real?? The world went silent, everything went into slow motion, and as we met for the very first time, I walked up and hugged him, told him that I loved him, and almost started to cry… It was an experience you just can’t imagine unless you’ve been through it, or were there!

On April 20, 2008, I realized that 40 years in the desert is a LONG TIME! I once read in a best selling book somewhere, that once upon a time, some people were left lost in a desert for 40 years. Now I know what that feels like, and what I think it really means, at least for me. This morning, my brother got to meet my Gorgeous Wife, his little nephew Brandon, that will carry on the Andersohn name, and Me, his long lost little brother. What an awesome and extraordinary day!! It almost felt like Oprah or Dr. Phil would come walking in at any moment! LOL!~

We had so much to talk about and yet we never really even scratched the surface. There is so much to share, stories, adventures, life’s challenges, old times, and then there’s the questions. Awwww the Questions?!? I’m sure your imagination can run wild with that one. My brother is alive, he’s well, and he’s only an hour away. Can you believe that? 40 years go by, and for 14 of them, he has lived within 60 miles of me and I didn’t even know it.

Here’s an obvious lesson I learned today! Love strangers as if they were your brother! You never know, they just might be!

I never would have thought in a million years, that authoring a Blog on ActiveRain would help my Brother and Google find me one day. Just two guys with the same last name, total strangers, just a few miles apart, once brothers, and after many lost years, now best friends!! He’s my Brother Rick! I Love ya Bro!

The sky was blue, there were no clouds, but it “rained” really hard in California today!! 🙂

How To Get Started with ActiveRain Video

It’s one for the money, and two for the show three to get ready, it’s a go Mixpo! ActiveRain and Mixpo have officially partnered to bring you a powerful new tool and platform for your video editing and video productions. A simple way to create, edit, and produce Video that can be used on your AR Blogs, Profiles, and Websites. Mixpo is now available for ActiveRain Members!


While in the introductory stage of incorporating Mixpo Video, you can still sign up for a monthly subscription at a very low price, or you can save a few bucks by subscribing annually. “You mean there’s a fee?” Yes there is, but it’s a minimal fee for what you’ll get, and it is only to help defray the cost of implementing and supporting the application for all the ActiveRain members here.

If you would like to get a jump on the “New Wave” of Real Estate Video 2.0 and give Mixpo a run, you can set it up NOW!. For $29/month, or $290/year (that’s two months free) we can get you access directly to Mixpo. Since their isn’t currently a way to directly purchase the product, you will need to use the ActiveRain Paypal. You can transfer the money to ActiveRain’s Paypal account by going to Use the email address Once you make the transfer, send me or Bob Stewart an email with a copy of your receipt, and we will get you activated right away. (within 24 hours) EDIT: NEW UPDATE: AR Video is now fully integrated into ActiveRain. To sign up, just click on the video reel in the toolbar of any new post or comment. This post was created before we implemented the AR Video Platform. It is now fully Integrated. (New Post Coming Soon, or this one to be completely re-done) Edited 9/11/2008

As we go through the integration (speculating about 4-6 weeks), anything that you produce on the ‘Mixpo’ console will eventually show up on your account once the integration is complete. Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions or concerns. I have been testing and working with Mixpo since my first day here at ActiveRain, and I am happy we are ready to finally roll it out to members. Here are just some of the Features and Benefits I have noted using the Mixpo tools, editing and on-line production console:

The MIXPO Video Editing and Production Console
Some “Power” Points You May Want to Know About and Consider

So here’s a chance to go from Blogger to Vlogger, and get a jump on your competition with Video.

How To Customize and Personalize Your ActiveRain Blog

You may have noticed all the personalized Blogs lately here on ActiveRain. I hope this post will help you customize your Blog and join in with the crowd.  If the video tutorial does not display, CLICK HERE to view. 

POST UPDATE: 12/2/2008There’s A New Customizer Now, this one no longer works.

NOTE: This video is of the Original Classic ActiveRain Customizer, be sure to see the update and link below for the New Customizer and Tutorial.  This video will no longer apply to the MOST CURRENT platform on AR.

If you need help with customizing or personalizing your ActiveRain Blog, feel free to contact me anytime.

POST UPDATE ON: 12/2/2008There’s A New Customizer Now!

We have upgraded and updated the ActiveRain Customizer.  Please visit the New and Improved ActiveRain Blog CustomizerHere are the instructions and information.  Thanks and Enjoy!!  🙂

The Real Estate Market – Is Now The Best Time To Buy?

This post is a Video interview with Jeff Dennis from Coldwell Banker, a 30 year veteran in the Real Estate Industry, giving his opinion of whether we have hit the bottom of the Real Estate market or not, and if now is the best time to buy or invest in Real Estate. Jeff is the past President of the Solano Association of Realtors, and is also the Author of the book, “To The Letter.”

Should I Buy or Invest in Real Estate Now?

Click Here To See Video Interview

A Night Out With My Dad

 Hi my name is Brandon Andersohn, and I am 11 years old. I want to tell you about a night out with my dad. It was one of the best nights of my life. I went to go see the living legend JOE SATRIANI, he is my idol.

Last night, Joe Satriani had a guitar clinic in San Francisco. Now many of you might not know who he is but he is one of the best guitar players in the world!! The drive to San Francisco was about two hours but it was worth it because two reasons, one, I love spending time with my dad, and I got to in the car. Second, it was the best clinic/concert I’ve ever been to in my life.

When we got to San Francisco it took so long to find parking. After the relief that we found parking just guess how long the line was. Yeah try more than 400 people and it took forever for the line to move. It took so long for the line to move that I thought I wasn’t even going to get in or get to see Joe. When we were about five yards away from getting in the door, my dad said to me, if the manager said that only one more person can go in, he would make me go instead of him, and when he said that, it made feel so good inside because that means he really wanted me to have the time of my life instead of him.

Once we got into Guitar Center it was HUGE. So me and my dad tried to get as close as we could to the stage, which wasn’t very close at all. So my dad said when Joe goes on the stage that he will put me on his shoulders. Once that happens, we will take pictures. I saw an opening on the side and I told my dad to go there so we did. There were a lot of tall people there and there was a tall amp and I told my dad I was going to stand on it so I could see.

I got to listen to about one song, then the store manager said I had to get off the amp. I told my dad that we needed to move. When I was up on the amp, I saw where the bathrooms were, and they were right by the mini stage that Joe was playing on. So I faked like I had to go to the bathroom so me and my dad could be right by Joe and take some pictures together. After I was done going to the bathroom, we listened to Joe some more. He is so good!! But so is my dad!!!

When he was done playing, he let the audience ask him questions. My dad was the first one to ask a question. After that, another guy asked a question. He said he had a signed guitar from Joe and then he asked if Joe would play it. Joe said yes. As Joe was playing the guitar, the man had tears running down his face. The store manager said that we can get an autographed picture from Joe. He said the first row of people in the audience go first, so me and my dad snuck in to the front row and got in line.



My dad bought a brand new CD that Joe just recorded and we got it signed by him. I also got to meet Joe and get a signed picture from him too. I got to shake his hand which I haven’t washed yet lol. On the way home, we listened to Joe’s brand new CD and rocked out in the car. It was one of the best nights of my life!!! I now have the autographed picture in my room framed.

My dad told me it was okay to blog this so I can share one of the most special times of my life with you. My dad’s the best dad in the whole world, and we’re best friends forever!!!

Brandon Andersohn

My dad is going to help me put up a video of Joe shredding the guitar. I hope you Enjoy it!!
Click on Joe’s photo to watch the video. 



ActiveRain "LIVE" on Late Night with TBWS

 TBWS Late Night will be hosting a "LIVE" video and "Air" broadcast with the ActiveRain TEAM today, Thursday April 11, 2008 at 6:30pm PST, 8:30pm CST, and 9:30pm EST. 

We will have Bob Stewart, Rich Jacobson and myself "LIVE" and available to take your calls, comments, and questions etc.  We may even get Jonathan Washburn to pipe in for a few if enough members respond to this "First Ever" live broadcast with the AR staff.  Frank Garay will be the host for the evening.

Let's crash the Party!!  🙂  With your help, I'd like to light up the TBWS switchboard and phone lines like a Christmas Tree.  Let's flood the show with calls from members, and show listeners and viewers what the AR spirit is all about.  I'll be there live in the studio with Frank, and we'll have Bob, Rich and Jon on the phone lines.

Come share some love, show some support, call in and have some fun with us.  It's going to be a great evening!!  There will be some great topics for discussion and I'm certain, we'll have some unexpected surprises and guests calling in. You won't want to miss this one for sure.  Just remember the time zones for calling or linking in.


Go to 

Click on the above link at the prescribed time, then click “on the air” to join.

Chat in questions or call in at 800-357-5363 toll free.

This broadcast will be open and available all across the Country!

Don't miss this opportunity to talk with your ActiveRain Crew.  I may even be able to swing awarding some bonus points to the members who call in with the Best Success Stories or Questions.  (I have not confirmed that yet, I'm still too new to push my weight around like that)  LOL!~ 

We'd love to have you join us, take an hour out of your evening to "Link" or "Phone" in and be a part of this special evening.  It would also be a great time to thank these guys for their vision, support, and all their hard work that has made ActiveRain the place it has become today, and all that it will be in the future.

BTW – This WILL NOT be the forum to call in and discuss the fact that you may have had to file an extension on paying your taxes.  :-)))




Wow! That was too much fun!  If you want to watch the show, here is a link, but you will need to use Internet Explorer as your browser.  Firefox has not been working.  When the page loads, just click on the top video, and it should work…I  think….I hope!  🙂

                                                         The ActiveRain TBWS Late Night Show!


Thanks to Brian, Sharon, Nick, Michelle, Jason, Mara, Will, Deborah, Joe and Natalie for calling in, you made the show a success, and the night entertaining.

I wanted to also thank Bob and Rich for being on the line and fielding many of the questions.  I want to apologize to all those who tried to get in and were unsuccessful getting online with us.  We WILL do it again. 

I mentioned that I was going to see about getting some points awarded to the best comment, question or success story, and those points will go to Natalie for sharing her success story about her 2.4 million dollar listing she acquired from her efforts on ActiveRain.  Way to go Natalie, congratulations!!  :-)))